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A Perfect Day in Healthcare

An inside look at the patient and practitioner experience when optimized with programmable communications

In this ebook, you'll learn:
  • What digital transformation in healthcare looks like
  • How programmable communications deliver the right information to the right person at precisely the right moment
  • Specific use cases illustrating how programmable communications enhance the experience for everyone involved—patients, medical professionals, and service providers
  • How you will use programmable communications to create the perfect day in healthcare
A good read for:
  • Physicians
  • Nurses
  • Medical technicians
  • Therapists
  • Medical assistants
  • Healthcare admins and executives
  • Anybody involved in the patient and practitioner experience

From improved operational efficiencies to better patient outcomes and more affordable care, digital transformation in the healthcare industry has enhanced the experience for everyone involved—patients, medical professionals, and service providers. The typical healthcare journey no longer begins and ends in the waiting room.

Rather, it unfolds over time, across many scenarios, touchpoints, and communication channels—each interaction designed to provide a unique experience to each participant, delivering the right information to the right person at precisely the right moment. The sum of these interactions comprises the modern healthcare experience, enabled by programmable communications. But what can a day in the life of patients and doctors actually look like when optimized with programmable communications?

Follow the healthcare scenarios in this ebook to see how experiences are being reimagined across the healthcare industry.

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